Knierim Tooling
Innovative composite technology based on a long tradition

Knierim Tooling GmbH has its roots in the Knierim Yachtbau GmbH, a Kiel-based boatyard with almost 50 years of tradition.
Yacht building has always been associated with the design and manufacture of large moulds, especially for boat hulls. Knierim has acquired outstanding expertise in this field through decades of experience.
Knierim's new build yachts include such interesting projects as the 86' IRC racer UCA, Germany's first and only boat for an America's Cup campaign, the STP65 CONTAINER, numerous carbon fiber racing yachts and the TÛRANOR PLANET SOLAR, a solar-powered 31 m catamaran whose circumnavigation of the world, completed in 2012, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
Knierim's boatbuilding experience is a great advantage for the production of master models, moulds, tools and finished components for large industrial components such as rotor blades for wind turbines, aircraft, ships, submarines, vehicles and more.
The ever-increasing demand for precision and quality of the workpieces and the desire for shorter production times prompted Knierim to purchase three custom-built CMS 5-axis milling machines. Knierim Tooling GmbH was founded in 2004 to operate these milling machines.
From the very beginning, Knierim Tooling has spent a lot of time finding the best possible materials and technologies to constantly improve the quality of its products.
Maximum strength at low weight, design accuracy to a tenth of a millimeter for all types of free-form surfaces and an exceptional finish are the hallmarks of Knierim Tooling today.